Converters & Calculators

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Power Conversion


Important Notes
  • In the International System of Units (SI), the unit of power is the watt (W) which is equal to one joule per second. The dimension of power is energy divided by time.
  • Other common and traditional measures are horsepower (HP), comparing to the power of a horse; one mechanical horsepower equals about 745.7 watts.
  • Some other units of power include ergs per second (erg/s), foot-pounds per minute, dBm, a logarithmic measure relative to a reference of 1 milliwatt, calories per hour, BTU per hour (BTU/h) and tons of refrigeration.
  • The domestic electricity consumption is measured in terms of Kilowatt-hour (kWh). The kilowatt-hour is a composite unit of energy equal to one kilowatt (kW) of power sustained for one hour.
  • All machines are typically described by a power rating. The power rating indicates the rate at which that machine can do work upon other objects. Thus, the power of a machine is the work/time ratio for that particular machine.

In physics, power is the amount of energy transferred or converted per unit time. In the International System of Units, the unit of power is the watt, equal to one joule per second. In older works, power is sometimes called activity. Power is a scalar quantity.
The output power of a motor is the product of the torque that the motor generates and the angular velocity of its output shaft. The power of a jet-propelled vehicle is the product of the engine thrust and the velocity of the vehicle. The rate at which a light bulb converts electrical energy into light and heat is measured in watts—the electrical energy used per unit time.

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The use of units, measurements and conversions plays a big part in excelling in math. The intent of this site is to help visitors perform different varieties of calculations/conversions easily with a high degree of accuracy.

The site includes unit converters for various quantities like currency, length, speed, time, area, volume, mass, temperature, angle, pressure, energy and power. In addition to this, it provides area & volume calculations of different shapes & it's parts. The site also contains several other features like number system conversion, calculation of interests, percentages along with color code finder and many more.

History of Measurement :

The earliest recorded systems of calculations and measures originate in the 3rd or 4th millennium BC. Even the very earliest civilizations needed measurement for purposes of agriculture, construction and trade. Early standard units might only have applied to a single community or small region, with every area developing its own standards for lengths, areas, volumes and masses.

With the development of manufacturing technologies and the growing importance of trade between communities and ultimately across the Earth, standardized weights and measures became critical. Starting in the 18th century, modernized, simplified and uniform systems of weights and measures were developed, with the fundamental units defined by ever more precise methods in the science of metrology.

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